Real-time monitoring of your energy systems with SG Energy's TKG™ technology.
What is a TKG™?
Much like an EKG to monitor your heart, SG Energy's TKG™ system records electrical signals from your energy systems to predictively monitor and diagnose potential issues and improve efficiency in real-time - giving your technicians unparalleled access to vital data that you can use to optimize energy output and prevent inefficiencies before they occur.
Our TKG™ changes the energy game.
Similar to an EKG, SG's Turbine Cardiogram utilizes electrical signals gathered from your turbines, providing constant feedback that helps your technicians monitor and diagnose systems efficiency in real-time.
SG Energy Solution's TKG™ technology integrates with various energy systems, including those manufactured by GE, Siemens, and more.
SG Energy's Turbine Cardiogram improves efficiency by providing important, real-time metrics that your technicians can use to monitor turbines without having to power down or de-terminate connections.
TKG™ feedback can be used to automatically calibrate systems controls, reducing the manual workload on your technicians and improving turbine performance.
Reduced manual calibration and downtime
More consistent performance and power output
Reduced NOx and CO emissions
Improved fuel performance
TKG™ Frequently Asked Questions
SG Energy Solutions removes and installs a wide variety of instrumentation, including:
• Pressure transmitters
• Power meters
• Current transformers
• Potential transformers
• Controllers
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SG Energy Solutions has implemented our TKG™ technology into turbine power systems across the globe.
Connect with SG Energy to learn more about how TKG™ can improve your energy systems.
Real-time data analysis of your turbines
Predictive monitoring
Diagnose potential issues
Improved efficiency and uptime
Optimized energy output
Customized scopes of work